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How do I un-reject an image?

If you change your mind after rejecting one or many images, you can always get things back as they were.

An image’s state (not yet reviewed, approved, rejected) is just “information attached to the image” – the actual image is not deleted when you reject it – and you can always change that state.

  • If you know which individual you need to edit:
    • Go to data, find that individual, and click ‘details’.
    • You’ll see the photo at the left of that individual’s details page (with a big red ‘x’ if it has been rejected).
    • Right below the image is an ‘image approval’ control – click it to change the image from ‘rejected’ to ‘approved’.
  • If you want to see all rejected images:
    • go to data, and click the ‘photo’ filter on the left.
    • You’ll be able to search the database for individuals whose photos are “present but rejected”, for example.
    • This will give you a list of all individuals, making it easy to find & restore the ones you accidentally rejected.
  • If you want to bulk un-reject all images:
    • Go to ID Essentials > Review & Approve   (or Yearbook tools > Review & Approve), and approve all images.
    • Then go right back to Review & Approve; it will notice that there are no unreviewed images and offer to reset the state of all images.
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